martes, 16 de julio de 2013

Human walking structural interpretation / Humano andando interpretación estructural

I have used the structure man walking to create this gold's jewel which could be hang on a necklace, the jewel represents the love with two hearts invert in the middle of it.

domingo, 14 de julio de 2013

Butterfly curves/ Curvas de mariposa


I think the idea of this tower's structure could was born in the octopus shape, I tryed to demostrate it with this picture.
Pienso que la idea de la estructura de esta torre podría haber nacido de la observacion de la forma de un pulpo como trato de demostrar en esta fotografía.

viernes, 12 de julio de 2013

Wild beast footbridge/ Pasarela fiera

The footbridge and the shadow on the water form something that looks like  beast's eye, there is an agressive shape, that is the reason of his name.

La pasarela y la sombra que proyecta en el agua forma una figura que parece el ojo de una fiera salvaje..
de ahí el nombre con el que la he bautizado.

Multimodal station / Estación multimodal

The idea of the table and columns in the last publication was wonderful to get a good shell for a multimodal station, I made a futuristic train with the columns and the shell was suceed  for create a new model of car what you can see in the parking's station.